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7th Annual Conference of Applied Psychological Research in the Middle East

  • Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Middlesex University Dubai’s Psychology Department held its 7th Annual Conference of Applied Psychological Research in the Middle East on 28 February 2019. The event further built on the success of previous conferences and drew immense interest from researchers, practitioners, and students. The conference attracted an audience of 160 people from diverse backgrounds representing a multitude of different organisations, clinics and universities. The conference started with an outstanding keynote address on ‘Life Beyond G: A New Approach to Intelligence and IQ”, from Dr Kristof Kovacs, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Eötvös Loránd, Hungary.

The conference witnessed 16 presentations by academics and practitioners, 5 poster presentations, and an interesting concluding panel discussion on ‘Indicators of Happiness and Wellbeing in the UAE’, and the conference received outstanding feedback from delegates and students. The event highlighted a variety of important areas in psychology, including topics such as cultural intelligence, play therapy, wellbeing, and resilience, amongst many others. Studies were presented from across the world including Japan, Iran, Scotland, USA, Hungary, and the UAE, which brought a variety of cultural perspectives – broadening the horizons of psychological understanding within the Middle East.

A unique characteristic of the conference is its emphasis on research culture amongst students, evident by the number of students volunteering, attending and participating in the event. The 8th Annual Conference will be held in 2020.

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