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Sustainability Mindset 2.0: Leadership Development Program

  • Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Sustainability Mindset 2.0: Leadership Development Program

To develop a “Sustainability Mindset” in managers, and develop their purpose in line with the DPDHL purpose.

Last week saw the culmination of an exciting and extremely successful training and development programme with DHL across the Middle East and Africa (MEA). The Institute of Sustainable Development (ISD) delivered an intensive 3-day training suite, developing a sustainability Mindset for DHL management across 11 MEA countries. This was the first time the Institute has conducted such a training and it was a novel and learning experience for all involved. 

The process began in March 2021 when the ISD was awarded the contract ahead of a prestigious field of consultancy groups and top tier universities. The delivery team was an integral part of our success, having such a diverse, experienced and professional group, led by ISD head Andrew Mackenzie and SDG ambassador Stephen King. The team consisted of Rhoderick Romano (Global Reporting Initiative, Social Impact reporting and Design Thinking), Mahine Rizvi (Gender Equality and Sustainable Governance), Rory McConnon and Dr Sreejith Balasubramanian, (Vehicle and Facilities sustainability, Life Cycle Analysis and Route planning for sustainability). 

The DHL theme of Connecting People, Improving Lives remained the focus throughout, and we were successful in developing an awareness of and involvement with issues related to Corporate Citizenship, harnessing the capability and willingness to engage with community and social development at the ground level. The countries participating were Bahrain, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lebanon, Mauritius, Nigeria, South Africa, Qatar, UAE and Zimbabwe.

Participants successfully completed training in developing a sustainability Mindset and completed knowledge transfer in multiple topics including Creating Shared Value, Understanding the UN SGDs, Governance and Stakeholder Involvement, Design Thinking, Factor Weighting Modelling, Life Cycle Analysis and Life Cycle Costing, screening Stakeholders Identification and the Triple Bottom Line. 

We also conducted a panel discussion with leaders in sustainability from both industry, the United Nations and the governmental and non-governmental sector, giving DHL an opportunity to engage with other stakeholders on key issues around sustainability and collaboration. Guests included Princess Adewumi Mojisola, Nigeria, Hania Tabet Sustainability and Environment at Airbus, France, and H.E. Mr. Poem Mudyawabikwa, Zimbabwe government's Trade Attaché to the UN in Geneva

The next stage of this partnership is to build from the recognition of the sustainability challenges facing DHL and apply sustainability practice in live Community Outreach programmes in Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Zimbabwe in 2022. 

We look forward to future collaborations with DHL as well as rolling out such initiatives and trainings for other corporates and the government sectors going forward. 

Andrew Mackenzie

The Middlesex Institute of Sustainable Development fosters the advancement of sustainability into the university, community and global practices. Through outreach, research and training, ISD is a thought leader in sustainability advocating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

The objectives of ISD are to strengthen stakeholder collaboration by aligning academic knowledge and professional practice and by promoting partnerships with businesses, civil society and government to reach a sustainable future.