Coping With Exam Results and Taking the Next Step

  • Monday, 20 May 2024


Receiving your exam results is never easy, and whether you’re happy, disappointed, or unsure about how you’re feeling, it’s perfectly normal. One of the best ways to cope with the situation is to seek some guidance on what your next step should be.

If you’ve done well, that’s amazing and you should be proud of yourself! Even if your results are not what you expected, there’s no need to be discouraged. There are plenty of opportunities out there for you and this guide will take you through the steps that you should consider taking after receiving your results.

1. Carefully review your results.

Go through your exam results carefully. It is not often the case, but there is a small chance that you might spot some details that don’t look quite right. If you notice anything, or you feel your work should be reconsidered, you should contact your school immediately about the appeals process if there is one.

2. Focus on your goals.

Keep your goals in mind and do some research to understand if the results you’ve received are sufficient for you to pursue your first higher education choice. If they don’t meet your expectations, there are plenty of other options to choose from.

3. Celebrate your achievements no matter how big or small.

You may or may have not got the results you expected but no matter the outcome, you should be proud of yourself and recognise the hard work you’ve put into your studies.

4. Talk to the experts and seek guidance.

If you’re unsure about your next step, it’s always better to get some advice from teachers, mentors, family, or even academic counsellors. Speak to them about your results, your goals and career aspirations. You may find that you are eligible for a lot more programmes than you initially thought!

5. Take all options into consideration.

Depending on your results, you can explore various different options. Universities offer plenty of programmes for students who are transitioning from high school to higher education. At MDX Dubai our International Foundation Programme has been designed to provide you with the required skills for entry into one of our undergraduate programmes. You can also attend an online webinar and ask any questions you may have about your next steps. At MDX Dubai we organise Open Days, both on campus and virtually, to help students understand their results and ask any questions they might have.

6. Engage with support services.

If you’re worried that you might not get into the university you wanted, don’t give up as there are lots of different pathways you can take! MDX Dubai offers a range of support services, including academic counselling, workshops, and career guidance. You can use these resources to get the support you need.

7. Prepare for your future.

You can use this time to rethink your career goals and aspirations. Start working on your CV, create a LinkedIn profile and start building your professional network. 
These steps can help you stay mindful upon receiving your results, regardless of how unexpected they are. Remember, this is just one stage of your academic journey, and it’s only the beginning.

If you’ve recently received your CBSE exam results and need some guidance on your next steps, at MDX Dubai we’re here to support you.

You can reach out to our friendly Admissions Team by email at [email protected]  or call +971 (0)4 367 8100 or visit on campus at Middlesex University Dubai, Dubai Knowledge Park.

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