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Dr Cody Paris: World Tourism Day 2020

  • Sunday, 27 September 2020

As we commemorate World Tourism Day 2020, we recognize the tremendous challenges facing the industry in light of COVID-19 pandemic.  Acknowledging that the COVID-19 pandemic has altered global mobility, resulting in dramatic decreases in international tourism numbers, economic losses, job losses, and that these impacts will be further exacerbated due to the reduction in funding needed to support numerous initiatives for environmental conservation, preservation of culture and heritage, and supporting of sustainable livelihoods of people over the world. 

COVID-19 has also caused many around the world to rethink what the future of tourism will be.  Researchers and leaders in industry, government and NGOs around the world are calling a future where tourism is a central part the strategy for sustainable development, and is conducted in a more equitable and climate-friendly manner.  Moving forward, it’s important for tourism researchers to contribute to the knowledgebase from which this transition will occur.

Faculty and Students at Middlesex University Dubai are engaged in a range of multi-disciplinary research projects and collaborations with colleagues from around the world. Some of the recent research publications highlighted below are contributing, and in some cases, shaping wider research agendas within the field.

Tourism and Technology

Jeffrey, H., Ashraf, H., & Paris, C.M. (2020) Hanging out on Snapchat: Disrupting passive covert netnography in tourism research. Tourism Geographies,

Balasubramanian, S., Kaitheri, S.,  Nanath, K., Sreejith,S., & Paris, C.M. (2020). Towards a Unified Framework for Connected Tourism Experience. Presented at the Tourism Education Futures Initiative (TEFI) 11 Virtual Conference

Balasubramanian, S., Kaitheri, S., Nanath, K., Sreejith,S., & Paris, C.M. (2021). Examining Post COVID-19 Tourist Concerns Using Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling. Submitted to ENTER2020 Conference 2021

Balasubramanian, S., Sethi, J.S., & Paris, C.M. (2020) Blockchain Application for Overcoming the Post COVID-19 Challenges of the Tourism Sector. (Working Paper)

Hermann, I. & Paris, C.M. (2020). Digital Nomadism: The Nexus of Remote Working and Travel Mobility. Information Technology and Tourism, 22 (3). Special Issue on Digital Nomadism

Tourism and Gender

Jeffrey H.L. (2020) Maternity Protection and the Tunisian Tourism Industry. In: Baum T., Ndiuini A. (eds) Sustainable Human Resource Management in Tourism. Geographies of Tourism and Global Change. Springer, Cham.

Vizcaino, P. Jeffrey, H.L. and Eger, C. (2020) Tourism and Gender-based Violence. Wallingford: CABI  has now been published with CABI.

Kyriazi, T (2020) Trafficking in Human Beings in the Tourism Industry: Trends and Approaches. in Vizcaino, P. Jeffrey, H.L. and Eger, C. (eds.) Tourism and Gender-based Violence. Wallingford: CABI

Jeffrey, H.L. and Rumens, N. (2021) Tunisian Tourism, Gender and the Contribution of Postcolonial Feminism. In Novelli, M. Adu-Ampong, E. and Ribeiro, A. eds. Routledge Handbook of Tourism in Africa. Routledge (forthcoming)

Feldbauer, I.G. and Jeffrey, H.L. (2021) Disempowered Hosts? A Literature Review of Muslim Women and Tourism. In Slak Valek, N. and Almuhrzi, H. eds. Women in Tourism in Asian Muslim Countries. Springer (forthcoming)

Tourist Motivations, Attitudes, and Behavior

Balasubramanian, S. , Ajayan, S.  & Paris, C.M (2020) Examining the link between country-specific pull factors and international student mobility in the United Arab Emirates, Anatolia: an International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, DOI: 10.1080/13032917.2020.1801474  

Michael N, Balasubramanian S, Michael I, Fotiadis A. (2020) Underlying motivating factors for movie-induced tourism among Emiratis and Indian expatriates in the United Arab Emirates. Tourism and Hospitality Research. 20(4):435-449. doi:10.1177/1467358420914355

Michael, N., Nyadzayo, MW, Michael, I, Balasubramanian, S. (2020).  Differential roles of push and pull factors on escape for travel: Personal and social identity perspectives. International Journal of Tourism Research; 22: 464– 478.

Feldbauer, I.G & Paris, C.M. (2020). Investigating millennial tourists’ attitudes and risk perception towards terror attacks: A qualitative case study on France. e-Review of Tourism Research (forthcoming)

Domestic Tourism

Nyaupane, G.P., Paris, C.M. and Li, X.R., 2020. Domestic Tourism in Asia. Special Issue in Tourism Review International. DOI: 10.3727/154427220X15845838896305