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MDX pre-Vis-Moot training

  • Sunday, 23 February 2020

Middlesex University Dubai hosted a three day workshop in collaboration with the United States Department of Commerce, Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) in preparation for the 27th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. The programme was attended by 30 participants from UAE University School of Law, Jami University, American University in Afghanistan and Middlesex University Dubai. 

The training was sponsored by the CLDP and aimed at offering a valuable insight into oral advocacy skills, fine tuning students’ knowledge of International Commercial Arbitration and enhancing regional knowledge exchange among Universities participating in the Vis-Moot Competitions in Vienna and Hong-Kong. The event was delivered by Catalina Bizic from Al Tamimi and coach of the 2019 Vienna Vis-Moot winning team and Nadeen Abawi from the University of Jordan and arbitrator for the 2019 Vienna Vis-Moot Competition.

The workshop was coordinated by Dr Rim Hamacha, Senior Lecturer in Law at Middlesex University Dubai.