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Law & Politics Students Third Annual Trip to Strasbourg

  • Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Students from Middlesex University Dubai’s Law & Politics Department recently visited Strasbourg to visit the institutions of the Council of Europe and the European Union based in the city and attend a landmark case hearing, meet with judges and other senior officials.

During the trip, 26 students accompanied by Belisa Marochi (Senior Lecturer in International Relations) and Tenia Kyriazi (Associate Professor, Campus Programme Coordinator and Head of Law & Politics), visited the European Court of Human Right, took a tour of the Palais de l’ Europe, and visited the Debating Chamber of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). PACE is comprised of 642 Members of Parliament from the Parliaments of each Member State.

Students also attended a lecture delivered by Mr Christian Mommers, Senior Officer of the Commissioner for Human Rights, an independent body of the Council of Europe which was established in 1999. The Commissioner’s mandate includes promoting human rights and human rights awareness in CoE countries. Students were also delighted at the opportunity to attend the Grand Chamber hearing in the case of Georgia v Russia (II), a case brought through an inter-state complaint submitted by Georgia against Russia over alleged human rights violations that took place during the 2008 armed conflict and its aftermath. The case raises issues under Articles 2 (right to life), 3 (prohibition of torture), 5 (right to liberty and security), 8 (right to respect for private and family life) and 13 (right to an effective remedy) of the European Convention, under Articles 1 and 2 of the Protocol No.1 (protection of property and right to education), as well as under Article 2 of Protocol No.4 (freedom of movement) to the European Convention of Human Rights.

Finally, students were able to visit and take a tour of the European Parliament, the only directly-elected EU body and one of the largest democratic assemblies in the world. Its 751 Members represent the EU’s 500 million citizens and are elected once every 5 years by voters from across the 28 EU Countries.

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